
About The Blog

This blog’s aim is to provide thoughtful commentary and musings on the more complex (or sometimes just annoying) aspects of life as a woman, mother and human. As well as to, where possible, provide critical resources and conversation around pregnancy, birth, health, postpartum wellness and other related topics. 

About the Author

This blog is written by Jennifer Taviv.

Jennifer Taviv has a degree in Reproductive Biology, Human Sexuality and Political Theory (because during the Clinton administration sex + politics really went hand in hand) and has trained as a birth and postpartum doula and life coach. She earns her keep as a writer, editor and senior marketing and communications professional.

She lives with her husband and two daughters on the Upper West Side of Manhattan where she spends most of her time munching on gluten-free cookies and doing puzzles with her kids and trying to wait out this eternal winter.

Jennifer also writes a blog more focused on the health and clinical aspects of autoimmune disease. Read that blog at http://www.healthintuition.wordpress.com.

Legal Notes

1. This well-meaning blog is written by the exceptionally exhausted but doggedly enthusiastic Jenn Taviv. I am noble in purpose but sleep-deprived in delivery so please be understanding and kind regarding mistakes in tone, content and grammar.

2. NO PHOTO POACHING. No one is authorized to reproduce any photo found on this website for any reason anywhere else on the web. To do so would be a legal violation. I will absolutely take legal action against any organization, website, person, company or other who takes any photos and reproduces them anywhere else in any way. While social media sharing is permitted (and encouraged) please be sensitive to credit my blog directly in sourcing your share. Accurate sourcing should be the rule for all web users! 

3. Please credit sources! I’m happy to guest blog or allow you to reproduce pieces of my content but please credit and link accurately. 


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